This page is a place for me to collect small pieces I create quickly for fun.
Lawn Order (2024)
A study in changing speeds/tempos at a ratio of 1:2:3:4:(sometimes 5). Four copies of the video "branch off" at different speeds on the first hit. Every time a hit in one copy synchronizes with a hit in another copy, the speed changes for both. If the copy is already playing an altered speed it returns to normal speed, if playing at normal speed it plays an altered speed, either filling in the tempo scheme beginning with the slowest tempo or stealing the other clip's tempo, if that clip is returning to normal speed. Additionally, a grid of a particular color and size is assigned to each tempo, which appears when that tempo is occurring. The thickness of the grid lines are determined by which copy is playing at the time. |
TIMBER! (2019)
An assignment in a class on timbre. The idea was to create a short piece using a prescribed set of audio files according to timbral features of the sounds using only audio editing. |
Tonal Harmony Study (2022)
Each note in this study is assigned its own colored block and the size of each block is proportional to the duration of the note it represents. The colors of the notes are not enharmonically equivalent, meaning for instance, a C# is assigned a different color than a Db. Given that the music works with tonal/triadic structures and the music generates different color combinations, I like to think of this piece as an experiment in tonal harmony in both the visual and musical realms. |
SF_L 1 (2022)
A visualization of four sine waves gliding up and down in frequency at four separate rates over the course of ten minutes. |
a brief phase (2022)
PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING A study in synced audio phasing and flickering animation. |
Moiré Study (2021)
A small study thinking about how to work with the Moiré effect in the visual and auditory domains. |